Concise Articles

(Change language and Bible version)
1 Meaning & Purpose 2 Freedom and Liberty 3 Peace and Joy 4 Eternal Life 5 Keys
6 God  and the Trinity 7 The Life of Jesus Christ 8 Grace 9 Law 10 Light
11 Parables 12 Miracles 13 Salvation 14 Growth 15 Creation
16 Revelation 17 Baptism 18 The Kingdom 19




21 Signs
22 Second Coming 23 End Times

Last Days

24 Body, soul and spirit   25 The Heart of Man 26 Gospel Pictorial


Bible Terminology

The inward and the outward

29 Born again & Baptism in the Spirit 30


Being Filled with the Spirit

The Outpouring of the Spirit


Greek word Studies

Take / Receive

Nations / Gentiles

33 Names and Titles of God
34 Great Tribulation 35 Millennium 36 Reward of Believers 37 Judgment of Unbelievers 38 Eternity
39 Creation 40 Justification 41 Sanctification 42 Redemption 43 Conversion




46 Circumcision by the Spirit 47 Ishmael and his descendants (The Muslims) 48 The Inner Witness 49 Babel and Pentecost
50 The Last Supper 51 Foot washing 52 New wine 53 Covenants in the Bible 54 Analogies and Illustrations
55 Assurance of Salvation 56 Standing Firm 57 Prosperity 58 The Church 59 Home Fellowships
60 From Adam to Moses 61 Phases of Israel after Egypt 62 Acts of the Apostles 63 Defilement of God's People 64 Circumcision
65 Heaven 66 Hell 67 Angels 68 Demons 69 Fire
70 God's part in Salvation 71

Man's part in Salvation

72 Other New Testament teachings 73


Jesus is Lord


75 Prayers for different occasions
76 Discrimination 77 Women in the Church 78  The Head Covering 79 Infant Baptism 80 What should I do?
81 Revival & Unity 82 Casting Out Demons 83 Breaking Curses 84 Sexuality 85 Revelation

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