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The Gospel in Pictures

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Jesus born of the virgin Mary

Jesus visited by the three wise men

Jesus baptized in water and anointed by the Holy Spirit

Jesus' first miracle: changing the water into wine

The Transfiguration on the mount

Jesus anointed by a women

Jesus heals a paralyzed man

Jesus raises a dead girl

Jesus walks on the water

Jesus casts out demons

Jesus washes the disciples feet

Jesus calms storms

Jesus cleanses the temple

Jesus feeds five thousand people

The Last Super

Jesus prays to the Father in the garden of Gethsemane

Jesus arrested

Pilate washes his hands of Jesus' death

Jesus carries the cross

Jesus mocked and crucified

Jesus rises from the grave

Jesus tells the disciples to go and catch many fish

Jesus ascends to heaven



Images © IMSI's masterclips premium image collection


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