Assurance of Salvation
If you were to die tonight, would you go to Heaven?
If you cannot answer 'yes' to this question then you do not have assurance of salvation.
This does not mean you are not saved (it just means that you do not have confidence that you will go to heaven).
Salvation does not depend on how good we are but on how good God is.
Salvation does not depend upon what we do but on what God has done.
Many Christians do not live with assurance and confidence that they are saved.
God has given us his Spirit so that we can know that we have been born again.
The Bible says that we can test ourselves and know with certainty that we are saved.
Is Jesus your LORD?
Do you love God more than anything else?
Have you repented of your Sin?
Does God's Spirit live in you?
If you can answer 'yes' to all of these questions then you are 'saved' and you will go to heaven.
This is assurance of Salvation
If your situation changes, you need to re-examine yourself.