Covenants in the Bible

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Covenants in the Bible










Jesus Christ



In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).

The World came into being when God Spoke.

Jesus is the Word (John 1:1-3) and the whole Earth holds together through him (Colossians 1:15-17).

God created Man on the sixth day in his likeness; with a body, a soul and a spirit (Genesis 1:27 1Thes 5:23).

God gave man dominion over all the living creatures. 

He set aside every seed bearing plant and every fruit baring tree for food.

He formed woman from one of Adam's ribs.

He gave them the Tree of Life to sustain them and told them not to eat of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil (Law).

Although Adam and Eve were naked, they felt no shame.

They could have lived in harmony in the Garden of Eden forever by eating of the Tree of Life as long as they did not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  (This was the first Covenant between God and Man)

One day, however, the Devil spoke to Eve and said "This tree will make you like God.  If you eat of it, you will know Good and Evil".

(In other words, they would not have to listen to God, they would be able to decide for themselves what is right and wrong)

Eve saw that the fruit was good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable for gaining wisdom.

She took some and gave some to her husband.

Immediately, their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked.

They tried to cover themselves by sowing fig leaves together and tried to hide from God.




God made garments of skin to cover Adam and his wife.

Because he was aware of Good and Evil, he could not stay in the Garden of Eden.

Adam was no longer able to eat of the Tree of Life - he could not live forever.

He would have to go into the World and Earn his living.

The result of the fall was that Adam had to work for his living and Eve was given to child birth and had to depend on her husband and obey him.

God told the Serpent that the seed of the Woman would crush his head  (Genesis 3:15)

(This was fulfilled by Christ when he provided an everlasting atonement for sin by dying on the cross in our place)



Man began to spread out over all the Earth

But he was evil

God was grieved in his heart and decided to destroy mankind

However God had mercy Noah and his family and provided them with an Ark

He vowed never to destroy the earth again with a flood and gave the sign of the rainbow

The bible tells us that the end times will come upon us just as the flood did in the days of Noah

With people unsuspecting, right up until the very end

Christ told us what to look for (Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21)

Today we now can see:

Israel's reappearance after 2000 years

Noah's Arc has been found on a mountain in Turkey

The dead sea scrolls

The ark of the covenant

The Situation in the middle east

The state of the Temple Mount

The Bible Says that the Great tribulation will begin when the antichrist puts an end to offerings in the temple (Daniel 9:25-7)

The only thing that must be revealed is the Antichrist

We should pray that we will escape the great tribulation and the wrath that is going to come upon the Earth.


Abraham and Circumcision

Abraham was a man of God, blessed by Melchizedek, King of Salem

God promised to make him the father of many nations

And showed him the promised land

He made a covenant of circumcision with Abraham

Abraham had a nephew Lot

He had a son Ishmael

He had a son Isaac

Isaac must have sinned because

Abraham was faced with having to kill his son Isaac

But God sent a ram to die in his place

God's Holiness and his Grace and Mercy are again displayed


Moses and the Law and Holiness

400 years later, Moses was called up to lead the children of Israel out of their bondage in Egypt

God delivered the Children of Israel across the red sea, but he later destroyed those who did not believe. (Jude 5)

We need to be careful that we are not relying on getting right with God in the past

We need to be right with God now. (Romans 11)

The Law was given through Moses (Exodus 20 & Leviticus 20)

Because of Israel's unwillingness to believe those who spied out the Promised land

They had to stay in the Wilderness for forty years

They were lead into the promised land by Joshua

He was not victorious because of his righteousness (Deut 9:6)


Christ and Grace Mercy and Forgiveness (Baptism)

Christ came to put new wine in new wineskins

The Old wineskins were the Pharisees who were proud, unforgiving hypocrites

The new wineskins were humble, aware of their sin and willing to forgive

Christ came to die on the cross and pay for our sins so that we could be reconciled with God

He came to Baptize us with the Holy Spirit so that we could become son's of God

Some Christians think that Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an optional extra

It is not optional, it is essential

You must be Baptized in the Holy Spirit to be Born again

If you don't speak in tongues it doesn't mean you haven't been baptized in the Holy Spirit

Praising God is also a sign that the Holy Spirit Lives in you.

Nobody can call Jesus Lord except by the Holy Spirit.


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