Contrasting Babel and Pentecost

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 At Pentecost, God did the reverse of what he did at the tower of Babel.

The people of Babel tried to make a name for themselves. They were not trying to do God's will or glorify his name. The consequence of this was that God cursed them by confusing their language. They could not co-operate with each other and so they were scattered.

If our language or terminology is confused, then we will not be able to understand each other. We will not be able to achieve anything, let alone build God's city.  The result of confusion is division.

God did the opposite of this at Pentecost.  People were able to understand each other again and co-operate to build God's city/dwelling place/temple (ie the church).

If we are going to build God's dwelling place today, then we need to understand and co-operate with one another.  To do this, we need to have a common Biblical terminology.



  Genesis 11:1-9 


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It is prophesied in Joel that in the last days,  God would pour out His  Spirit on ALL PEOPLES - not just Jews.

This began to happen at Pentecost commencing with the Jews in Jerusalem and rapidly spreading to the Gentiles in the Surrounding Nations.

From that time on, all men and women from every Language, Tribe and Nation would have access to God by one Spirit, though faith in Jesus Christ, The Son of God.

Jesus had previously commissioned the disciples to preach the Gospel starting in Jerusalem, then Samaria and finally to the ends of the Earth.

Salvation would be available to all who believe the Gospel: First for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

It was no coincidence that Jesus was Crucified during the Passover Feast.  It was at this very time that He chose to go up to Jerusalem; knowing what would happen.

Jews from every nation were in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover -  A feast to commemorate the time when God spared the lives of all whose houses were covered by the blood of a Lamb - It was held on the 14 day of the first month of the Jewish calendar - Nissan (April).

On the day Jesus rose from the grave,  Jesus appeared to the disciples and told them not to leave Jerusalem until they had received the gift of the Holy Spirit (50 days later). 

Pentecost was the day that our Lord chose to empower the believers with the Holy Spirit.

The Feast of Pentecost was to commemorate the giving of the Law.  It was held on the 6th day of the third month - Sivan (June).  It was precisely 50 days after the Passover.

On the Day of Pentecost, the Believers numbered a hundred and twenty. They were gathered together.   All of them were Jews or converts to Judaism.  (There were no Gentile Believers present at that point).  

When God poured out his Spirit at Pentecost, people were baptized and filled with the Spirit.  They were so overflowing with joy that people thought they were drunk.

The Spirit enabled them to speak in other tongues so they could  understand each other in their own native language. 

Other signs of Baptism in the Spirit included praising God and prophesying.

They had a common faith and a Godly vision.  

The Church grew rapidly even though they spoke different languages.

Philip took the Gospel to the Samaritans (who were half Jew and half Gentile) but they could not receive the Spirit until Peter and John went down from Jerusalem to confirm that the Gospel was not just for Jews. 

Subsequently, God Poured out his Spirit on the Gentiles starting with Cornelius' House, much to the surprise of the circumcised believers.  They were Baptized in the Spirit simply by hearing the message, before the disciples even had a chance to lay hands on them or Baptize them  in water!

Prior to this it had been against the Jewish Law to associate with a Gentile, but now, the Gentiles had the Spirit of God too!

Paul was miraculously converted and chosen by God to 'carry' His Name to the Gentiles and to the people of Israel.


Acts 2:1-21

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The Church started with 120 people.....

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