Sexual Sin

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Sexual Sin

God's Law vs Man's Law



The Wicked will continue to be Wicked

I cannot help Myself

If your Brother Repents, Forgive Him

Forgiveness is as much for the Abuser as it is for the Abused

The Abused can become Abusers if they Don't Forgive

Forgive or you won't be Forgiven

You are possessed by the one you Love

God will Give you the desires of your heart


Sexual Sins

The Lust of the Flesh - to desire somebody for sexual gratification

Seductive dressing and behavior - intended to tempt, entice, entrance, entrap, tantalize or manipulate

Adultery - sexual relations in violation of marriage vows (cheating on your partner)

Fornication - sexual relations before or outside marriage

Homosexuality - sexual relations with somebody of the same sex 

Rape - rape means to disrespect the boundaries of another person and to force something upon them; especially sex

Date Rape - forced or unwanted sexual relations in the context of a date (courting)

Rape by a Stranger - forced sexual violation of a person by a complete stranger usually with violence

Rape by a Close Relative - forced sexual violation by a close relative

Sodomy - forced sexual activity by a person of the same sex

Incest - unforced perverted sexual relations with a close relative

Child Molestation - deliberate malicious violation of a child's innocence; especially sexual

Sexual Acts in Public - intercourse, masturbation or fondling in public places

Pornography - producing or reading literature for sexual gratification

Prostitution - providing or obtaining sex for payment or reward

Sex with Animals - obtaining sexual gratification from an animal

Other Perverted Sex - oral & anal intercourse, homosexuality, orgies, sex with children

See God's Law



Does Christ's Blood cover Sexual Sin?

Yes - if you repent you will not go to hell

But you will have to suffer the punishment of Man's Law if you have broken them (unless the victim is able to and willing to drop the charges)

And you will have to face the consequences of your sin - (unwanted children, ruined lives, damaged relationships, jail)



Is the Church required by Law to report cases of Child Abuse to the Authorities if the abuser has repented or the victim has forgiven them?


Yes - particularly if it is recent, serious and the child is still at risk of harm or needs help

Most States have mandatory reporting laws for all professionals dealing with Children including Clergy

Reporting such cases should not cause a moral dilemma for the Church who are then free to advocate for and support the abuser if he/she has repented (in addition to supporting the victim and praying for the victim to be healed)

see Man's Law vs God's Law




Consequences of being abused - Demons

Blaming yourself for things that or not your fault

Believing your experiences are unique and nobody will understand

Believing that nobody will believe you if you tell them

Believing that God cannot help you

Believing that you deserved it

Believing that you are totally innocent or could not have prevented it (sometimes)

Believing that abuse is unforgivable (hatred)

Believing you are dirty

Believing you are damaged goods that cannot be fixed

Believing that God cannot heal you or forgive you

Believing that Sex is Bad

Believing that all men or women want to or will hurt you (paranoia)

Believing that all men or women have the same tendencies to sin (weaknesses)

Believing that you are inadequate

Over generalizing (eg believing touching, smiling, frowning, kissing, hugging, cuddling or winking are signs of evil intent) 



Sinning as a result of Abuse - Demon Possession

Abusing others deliberately

Tempting others deliberately to prove they are no better than the person who abused you

Tormenting your partner to test them




Unforgiveness and Hatred



Other Consequences of abuse

Self Mutilation - To manipulate one's environment or to punish oneself

Drug Addiction - to cope with the pain

Suicide - hopelessness & guilt

Depression - unfulfilled dreams - mental exhaustion

Anxiety - fear and inability to trust anybody including God

Psychosis - loss of contact with reality - going into fantasy world - to escape the pain or as a result of brain dysfunction

Stress - conflicting ideas, goals, values and relationships

Humiliation and disgrace - embarrassment, shame

Perpetuation of abuse in the next generation

Going from one abusive relationship to another


Inability to maintain a relationship

Personality problems




Common misconceptions about sexual sin and abuse - also Demons

Believing that all abuse is the same

Believing that one shoe fits all

Tarring all abusers with the same brush

Believing abuse is unforgivable

Believing abusers cannot change

Believing victims will invariably become abusers

Believing that forgiving abuse means putting up with it or tolerating it

Believing that abusers should not be treated kindly

Believing that punishment is the only way to deal with abuse

Believing that all abuse is deliberate or intended





Breaking Generational Curses



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