Baptism with the Holy Spirit

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Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Read Matt 3:11 Mark 1:8 Luke 3:16 John 1:29-34 Acts 2:38 Acts 8:15-17 Acts 10:44-47 Acts 11:15-17

What is Baptism with the Holy Spirit?

Is it the same as receiving the Holy Spirit?

How is it related to being Born again?

Is it the same as the Holy Spirit being poured out?

What does the Bible mean by 'the Holy Spirit came on them'?

Does Baptism in fire always happen at the same time as Baptism in the Spirit?

What happens to the 'Old Man' when we are Baptized in the Holy Spirit (and fire)?

What happens to our spirit and consciences when we are Baptized in the Holy Spirit?

What does regeneration mean?

Are people usually filled with the Holy Spirit at the same time that they are Baptized with the Spirit?

What should you do to confess to the world and testify to the devil that you believe in The Lord and have chosen to follow him?

What does Baptism in water symbolize?

Is Baptism in Water inward or outward?

What is the inward change called?

Does the inward Baptism usually take place at the same time as the outward Baptism?

Apart from regeneration what also happens when we believe in God and want to make him Lord of our lives?

What other things take place at conversion?

What are the signs of conversion? (Acts 10:44-46)

Why does the Bible say that everybody who believes in Jesus has overcome the world?  (1 John 5:5)

Can you enter God's Kingdom without being born again? (John 3:5)

Does Baptism with the Spirit make us part of the Body of Christ? (1 Cor 12:13)

When did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit? (Luke 24:36-49 John 20:22  Acts 1:1-5 Acts 2:1-47)

What happened to the disciples at Pentecost? (Acts 2:4)

Why didn't the disciples receive the Spirit until after Jesus's ascension? (John 7:38-39)

Why did the disciples have to stay in Jerusalem until Pentecost? (Acts 1:4-5  John 16:7-8)

To who did Jesus give the Keys of the Kingdom? (Matt 16:15-19)

Why didn't the believers receive the Spirit in Acts 8:14-17 until the Disciples came and laid hands on them?

When did Peter get the revelation that the Gentiles could be saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit? (Acts 10:34-35)

Why didn't the believers receive the Spirit in Acts 19:1-6?

What do you have to believe in order to be Born again? (Act 10:34-45)

Does Jesus want us to go and Baptize others? (Matt 28:18-20)

Must we lay hands on people for them to be baptized with the Holy Spirit? (Act 10:42-48 Acts 11:14-18)


see illustration






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