Being filled with the Holy Spirit

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Being filled with the Holy Spirit

Read  Acts 7:55  Acts 9:17  Acts 13:52  Eph 5:18

What is the difference between being Baptized with the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit?

Baptism in the Spirit refers to the time that the Holy Spirit first came and made his home in your heart. (ie when you received the Spirit).  Being filled with the Spirit occurs when we turn to God and focus on him.  This occurs countless times after our Baptism with the Spirit and should be a daily occurrence.  We need to keep a clear conscience so that our fellowship with God is not hampered.

How many times is a person Baptized with the Holy Spirit?


How many times is a person filled with the Holy Spirit?

Countless times.

When does Baptism with the Holy Spirit take place?

At our conversion.  When we believe Christ and want to make him Lord of our lives..

Do you remember how old you were when you were Baptized with the Holy Spirit?

Some people can remember the time that they were Baptized in the Holy Spirit, others can't.  It doesn't really matter.

What happened when you were Baptized with the Holy Spirit?

Did you cry?  Were you happy?

Did you speak in tongues?

Was your life changed?

Since then, how many times have you been filled with the Holy Spirit and what was it like?

What happened on these occasions?  Were you worshipping God at the time?  Were you speaking in tongues?   How did you feel?  How did the Spirit manifest himself in you?  Did you acquire a new gift?  Did you express a the fruit of the Spirit?  Were you transformed?  Was this a lasting change?  Did you feel renewed?

Why do we need to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit?

When we are not filled with the Spirit, we are vulnerable to the devil's devices.  God is like a flowing river.  If we don't want to dry up, we need to be open to let God flow in.

How does this link in with sanctification?

Whenever we are filled with the Spirit, we are changed for the better.  This is part of the sanctification process that God uses to transform us into his image.

Is this the process that God uses to help us grow?



see illustration 

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