Bible Terminology

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Bible Terminology

Why is Bible terminology important?

What is the difference between doctrine and terminology?

What is more important, terminology or doctrine?

If we do not use the terminology properly, will we still be saved?

Which of the following questions refer to doctrine or terminology? 



Is Regeneration the same as Baptism in the Spirit?


Is Baptism in the Spirit the same as Speaking in tongues?


Once somebody is Saved, can they turn away and go to hell?


Will we be raptured before or after the Great Tribulation?


Is Born Again the same as being Saved?


Did God choose you or did you choose God?


Are all differences between Christians due to differences in the way we define Bible terms?

Do we need to agree on Biblical terminology in order to fellowship with one another?

What is more important:  experiencing God's touch or understanding Bible terms?

Does the terminology we use match our experience?  Give examples.

Does the terminology we use match the Bible?

Must we all use the same terminology or is it sufficient just to know what the other person means?



Home Page Contents Change Language and Version Articles - Index Terminology - overview - summary Become a Christian Bible Studies - Index Keys of the Kindom - Doctrines Help using this site Messages - Index What happens at conversion About  this site