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Read the following verses

Matt 11:25  Mat 16:17  Luke 2:26  John 17:6  Rom 1:17  Rom 16:26  1Cor 2:10  1Cor 3:13  Eph 3:5  2Thes 2:6  1Pet 5:1

Deut 29:4  Job 13:1  Job 42:5  Prov 20:12  Isa 6:10  Isa  32:3  Isa 35:5  Matt 13:15 2Cor 4:4

Do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

What is revelation?

Is this how you came to believe in God?

If you were convinced that you were right about something, what would it take to change your mind?

If you wanted to help somebody see God, is it easier to try and tell somebody who is not interested or somebody who is interested in what you have to say? 

Does it help if they are seeking God?

What happens when you confront somebody who doesn't see things the way you see them?

Do some people have more revelation than others?

Do all people get the same revelation?

Why is it good to fellowship with one another?

If two people who love God have a different understanding of a certain point, how can you determine who is right?

Does it matter who is right?

If one person agrees to do things the other person's way without believing that it is really true in their heart, is that good?

If somebody does something that is contrary to their conscience, what is the result?

When is it important to stand for what we believe?

What is the best thing to do when you don't understand something?



Home Page Contents Change Language and Version Articles - Index Terminology - overview - summary Become a Christian Bible Studies - Index Keys of the Kindom - Doctrines Help using this site Messages - Index What happens at conversion About  this site