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Read the following verses

Matt 11:25  Mat 16:17  Luke 2:26  John 17:6  Rom 1:17  Rom 16:26  1Cor 2:10  1Cor 3:13  Eph 3:5  2Thes 2:6  1Pet 5:1

Deut 29:4  Job 13:1  Job 42:5  Prov 20:12  Isa 6:10  Isa  32:3  Isa 35:5  Matt 13:15 2Cor 4:4

Do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior?


Encourage people to answer honestly.  Sometimes when people say no, they get convicted by the Holy Spirit.  When we start to tell others what we believe, our misconceptions get exposed and we get convicted.  This helps us perfect and fine tune our own beliefs.

It is good to know if there are any unsaved people in the group so that you can be sensitive to their needs.  At an appropriate point, you may want to ask them if they want to become a Christian.

There is no point putting pressure on people to say yes.  If somebody won't profess Christ in a Christian setting, it is unlikely they will be able to stand for God in the world.

People should be encouraged to stand for what they believe but to be open to learn more about God, to test and refine their beliefs and let go of whatever God shows them is wrong.  Nobody should be pressured into changing their confession of what they believe. 

Nobody should be rejected for what they believe.

What is revelation?  

Revelation is the main way that God uses to change our minds about something.  Most people cannot be persuaded to believe in God by fine sounding arguments if they are not willing to believe.  The only way that they can come to believe in God is if God opens their eyes and ears and gives them understanding.

This also applies to what we believe about God.

Is this how you came to believe in God?  

Yes.  Unless God opens your eyes and ears and gives you understanding, you will not be able to receive the message.

Did something happen that made you open to hear the Gospel?  In what form was the Gospel presented to you?

If you were convinced that you were right about something, what would it take to change your mind?

It took a huge explosion that temporarily blinded the apostle Paul before he realized that he was on the wrong side. 

If you wanted to help somebody see God, is it easier to try and tell somebody who is not interested or somebody who is interested in what you have to say? 

It is always easier if they are open to hear what you have to say.  If they come and ask you questions, don't waste the opportunity.

Does it help if they are seeking God?


What happens when you confront somebody who doesn't see things the way you see them?

It often results in a fight.

Do some people have more revelation than others?


Do all people get the same revelation?


Why is it good to fellowship with one another?

The bible says that we come to know the depth and breadth and height of God's love by fellowshipping with all the saints.  We each see a small part of the picture.  When we combine our experiences and knowledge, we get to enlarge our view of God.  Working out how some pieces fit together is not always easy. 

If two people who love God have a different understanding of a certain point, how can you determine who is right?  

Ask somebody who knows God's word well, loves God and has been a Christian for a long time.  If they don't know, they ask God to show you the answer.  Pray together and read God's word.  Be patient and God will show you the answer.

Does it matter who is right?

Yes, because the truth will set you free.  Some things, however,  are not worth fighting about.  What is important is that we are faithful to what we believe and keep a teachable spirit.  We never stop learning about God.  Sometimes God uses the most unlikely people to teach us things.

If one person agrees to do things the other person's way without believing that it is really true in their heart, is that good?


If somebody does something that is contrary to their conscience, what is the result?

Guilt, shame, anger and bitterness.

When is it important to stand for what we believe?

When our conscience won't leave us alone if we didn't.

What is the best thing to do when you are not sure or don't understand something?

Pray, especially in tongues and read the word or ask somebody.


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