The Millennium

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The Millennium

What is the Millennium?

Where is it mentioned in the Bible?

What if I don't believe in the Millennium?

What is the first resurrection?

What is the second death?

Is it good to have a part in the first resurrection? Rev 20:6

Does the first resurrection take place before the Millennium?  Rev 20:4

Does Christ's return precede the Millennium?

When does the second resurrection take place? Rev 20:5

What else happens at the end of the 1000 years? Rev 20:7-15

If I reign with Christ for a thousand years, will I escape the second death and have everlasting life?

Who gets to reign with Christ during the Millennium?

Is it only those who were martyred during the great tribulation?

Who else is raised to be with Christ at his return?

What if I am not raised to reign with Christ when he returns?

How can I ensure that I don't miss out?


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