The Millennium

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The Millennium


What is the Millennium?

The Millennium is a thousand year period that follows the Second coming of Christ and the wedding of the Bride and the Lamb.  It is after the devil has been defeated and overthrown as the prince of this world. The antichrist has been defeated at the battle of Armageddon and thrown into the Lake of Fire and the Devil is locked up for the duration of the thousand years.   During this time, Christ reigns as Lord with his bride, the Church.  At the end of the millennium, all authority is given back to God who then dwells with men for eternity. 

Where is it mentioned in the Bible?

Revelation chapter 20.

What if I don't believe in the Millennium?

Many Christians do not distinguish between the millennium and the New Heaven and Earth, they just regard it all as 'heaven'.  This does not alter what we believe or how we should live. 

However, the millennium is necessary to fulfill all scripture and prophesy.  

Christ's authority was given to him by the Father.  Christ must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet.  The last enemy to be destroyed is death.  When all this is done, he will hand the kingdom back over to God the Father.  For the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him so that God may be all and in all.  (1Cor 15:24-28)

Even so, in the new heaven and the new earth, there is only one throne which belongs to God and the Lamb, because they are one.  (Rev 22:1)

What is the first resurrection?

The first resurrection refers to the raising up of all dead believers to be with Christ.  They shall reign with him for a thousand years along with those who were still living when called up to be with Christ..

What is the second death?

The second death is the lake of fire or hell.  

Is it good to have a part in the first resurrection? Rev 20:6

Yes.  This means that you are a Christian and will reign with Christ and be part of the New Jerusalem.  I don't think I would like to be part of the second resurrection to stand before the Great White throne.  

Does the first resurrection take place before the Millennium?  Rev 20:4


Does Christ's return precede the Millennium?


When does the second resurrection take place? Rev 20:5

At the end of the millennium.

What else happens at the end of the 1000 years? Rev 20:7-15

Satan and Hades are thrown into the lake of fire along with death itself.

If I reign with Christ for a thousand years, will I escape the second death and have everlasting life?


Who gets to reign with Christ during the Millennium?

All the believers, dead and alive, who are raised to meet with Christ at his coming.

Is it only those who were martyred during the great tribulation?


Who else is raised to be with Christ at his return?

All those who have been saved over the ages.

What if I am not raised to reign with Christ when he returns?

I will be in big trouble.  I would miss out on the wedding feast, I would not reign with Christ and I would have to stand before the Great White Throne at the second resurrection after the millennium.

How can I ensure that I don't miss out?

Make sure that you are right with God now.  Invite Christ into your heart and allow him to be Lord of your Life.




see message: millennium

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