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Structure of Website

This site contains three types of documents

1    Articles
2    Studies
3    Messages



Articles relate to a particular subject, theme or Bible term

Generally, the article attempts to list relevant verses and summarize, highlight, emphasize or contextualize what the verses are saying

The articles are a useful reference when assembling a message or a study

The articles try to be fairly comprehensive and generally list all occurrences of a particular word in the bible if the article is looking at the way the Bible uses particular terms.  As the Bible was written in Greek (NT) and Hebrew (OT) and has been translated into English, this is not always easy as one Greek or Hebrew word can have several English equivalents and visa versa.  In some cases, it is necessary to have a detailed look at the Greek in order to understand how a particular word or 'Term' is used in the Bible.  (eg the word for receive)

When looking at a particular theme or subject, the article tries to list all the relevant verses and examine what they are saying.  Synonymous or related terms (with similar meaning) are sometimes dealt with in the same article.


Bible studies are non didactic, interactive and have been written for people coming together from different backgrounds.  The leader should not be directive or insist on a particular interpretation or view.

Studies are in a question and answer format.  There is often more than one way to answer a question. 

Studies allow people to consider the material presented and the different views expressed and come to their own conclusions.

Leaders should allow the Holy Spirit to do the correcting and the convicting.

People should feel welcome and accepted, whatever their views.  It is good that they have come along and that they are willing to listen to and consider other people's views.  Nobody should force their view on anybody, even if the other person is not a Christian.  You cannot force somebody to be a Christian or change their theology.


Messages are opportunities for people to express their views.  It is OK to be didactic and have a view which is different to those who are listening as long as they have invited you to speak.

Messages are therefore quite didactic and express a particular view with no apology to those who are differently persuaded.  The audience has invited you to speak.  They want to know what you have to say. 

The audience can then take it or leave it.  They can either accept what you say or reject it.

Ideally, the message should be firmly grounded in God's word and guided by the Spirit.

The sheep know the Shepherd's voice.

If they don't like what you have to say, they don't have to invite you back again.



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Home Page Contents Change Language and Version Articles - Index Terminology - overview - summary Become a Christian Bible Studies - Index Keys of the Kindom - Doctrines Help using this site Messages - Index What happens at conversion About  this site

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