Angels and Demons


Angels and Demons






Casting Out Demons










Angels are Good Spirits that can manifest themselves in a physical body Demons are evil Spirits that can inhabit living creatures and influence their behavior and thinking
Angels speak words of Truth that bring life Demons tell lies that lead to death
Angels set us free Demons keep us bound
What we believe determines what sort of spirit is in our heart and hence our attitude Believing a lie affects our spirit / heart and hence our attitude
Feelings and attitudes are linked to what we believe Feelings and attitudes are linked to what we believe
A correct belief can set us free and give us appropriate feelings and attitudes A false belief can keep us bound and give us inappropriate feelings and attitudes
Having the right attitude is the result of correct beliefs and a good spirit Having the wrong attitude is a result of incorrect beliefs and a bad spirit
Good spirits and the Holy Spirit are linked to the truth Evil (bad) spirits / demons are closely linked to lies
Good spirits can spread to other people who believe their message Evil (bad) spirits can spread to other people who believe their message
Good spirits sometimes manifest themselves in the form of an Angel Evil (bad) spirits cannot manifest unless they are living in a creature
We can serve an angel's purpose by spreading it's truth We can serve the demon's purpose by spreading it's lies
We can let a demon in by believing a lie and evict an angel by rejecting it's truth We can cast a demon out by confronting the lie but unless the lie is replaced by the correct belief a good spirit will not come in
It is very hard to change what somebody believes if they are not open or do not want to listen It is very difficult to cast a demon out if the host is not open or not willing to listen