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This web site was compiled and edited by Nigel Hawkins for Reconciliation through Christ ministries

Reconciliation through Christ is a non denominational, Christian, non profit organization that seeks to preach the gospel and unite the body of Christ by examining the basic truths in the word of God

All Bible quotations are taken from the New International Version using Quick Verse Bible Software by Parsons Technology 

Dynamic Links to the Bible Gateway has allowed online viewing of Bible verses and changing between versions and languages

NIV subtitles have been used in some sections 

The web pages were made with Microsoft Front Page or Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004

Most of the Artwork is by Simon Dewey, Del Parson, Harry Anderson & Greg Olsen and was obtained thru internet libraries, internet galleries and Christian resources **

Diagrams by Nigel Hawkins ##

Timelines and diagrams were made using MGI's Photosuite, Macromedia Flash Studio & Macromedia Fireworks

Cartoon pictures, animations, backgrounds and buttons were obtained from IMSI's Master Clips Premium Image Collection ++

Hebrew and Greek Text was taken from Strong's Concordance and the NAS exhaustive concordance and the Greek New Testament using Quick Verse Bible Software by Parsons Technology

All praise be to God for revealing himself to us through His son, His Spirit, His Word, His People & His creation