What is Circumcision? Genesis 17
To cut of the foreskin (the flesh that covers the sensitive part of the
What does circumcision signify?
Circumcision is a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham.
Who did God promise to bless by this covenant?
Abraham and his descendants as long as they kept the covenant of
What did he promise them?
God made an everlasting covenant between Abraham and his
God promised to make Abraham very fruitful and greatly increase his
numbers. He said Abraham would be the father of many nations. Kings of
nations would come from him.
He promised to be their God and give them the land of Canaan as an
everlasting possession.
What did Abraham have to do?
God told Abraham to walk before him and be blameless and he would
confirm his covenant with him. Abraham had to believe the promise and
circumcise all in his household, including his slaves.
Was this covenant superceded or replaced by subsequent covenants that God
made with his people?
No, it was an everlasting covenant.
Who was the first to be circumcised?
Abraham and Ishmael and everybody in his household including those that
he had brought with his money.
Do we need to be circumcised in the flesh? Acts 15:1-20 1Cor 7:18-20
How can we become children of the the Promise given to Abraham?
By faith in Jesus Christ. Romans
3:29-4:18 Galatians
How did Abraham receive the promise?
By faith. For if the inheritance depends on the Law, then it no
longer depends on a promise. God, by his grace gave it to Abraham through
a promise so that by faith he would receive it. Gal 3:18
What is circumcision by the Spirit? Deuteronomy
10:16 Deuteronomy 30:6 Jeremiah 4:4 Romans 2:17-29
This is the inward change that results from believing in the promises of
God. Circumcision signifies obedience to God. If a Jew believes
and obeys God's commandments, his heart is circumcised by the Spirit.
Can you be a Jew without being circumcised by the Spirit?
No. Romans 2:28
Do the Gentiles have to be circumcised by the Spirit? Colossians
Did the Jews continue to be circumcised in heart? Jeremiah
Why was it necessary for God to send his son Jesus Christ? Galatians
3:15-29 Hebrews
Nobody is able to keep the law. Christ came to fulfill the the
righteous requirements of the Law by paying the price for us.
What is the sign of the New Covenant?
What is the inward change called?
Baptism in the Spirit.
Is there a term that embraces the new and the old covenants?
Yes. Born Again. (Regeneration)
Did the Jews accept Christ?
Yes, at least some did. Those who were baptized in the Spirit at
Pentecost were all Jews (Acts 2:1-6). The
Gentiles were baptized in the Spirit shortly after (Acts
What happened to those that rejected Christ? Romans
They were broken off so that the Gentiles might be grafted in.
Does God keep his promises? Romans 11:25-32