Why is Bible terminology important?
The language that we use to communicate with each other is very
important. We need to know what the other person means when he uses a
Bible term. He may be thinking of one thing, but you may be thinking of
another. You may both hold to the same doctrine (or truth about God) but
use Bible terms differently. This can cause a lot of
The Bible tells us not to argue about the meaning of words. What
is important is the way that a word is used by the Bible. We must not
extrapolate doctrine from the meaning of a word.
What is the difference between doctrine and terminology?
Doctrines are statements
about what we believe.
Terminology is the words
that we use to describe something.
What is more important, terminology or doctrine?
The truth is what sets us free. We need to make sure that what we
believe is true. If we don't use the terminology correctly, we will still
be saved.
The truth is that God loves you, that we are sinners, corrupt from birth,
that God is Holy and righteous and cannot have sin in his presence, that the
penalty for sin is death and eternal separation from God, that we cannot save
ourselves, that God by his grace sent his only begotten son Jesus to die on the
cross to pay the penalty for our sins and then raised him from the dead, that
who so ever believes in Jesus shall have eternal live and become a son of God by
receiving his Spirit.
If we do not use the terminology properly, will we still be saved?
Yes, as long as we love God
and believe the truth about him.
Which of the following questions refer to doctrine or terminology?
Is Regeneration the same as Baptism in the Spirit? |
terminology |
Is Baptism in the Spirit the same as Speaking in tongues? |
doctrine |
Once somebody is Saved, can they turn away and go to hell? |
doctrine |
Will we be raptured before or after the Great Tribulation? |
doctrine |
Is Born Again the same as being Saved? |
terminology |
Do we have a choice about being a Christian? |
doctrine |