Baptism with the Holy Spirit

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Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Read Matt 3:11 Mark 1:8 Luke 3:16 John 1:29-34 Acts 2:38 Acts 8:15-17 Acts 10:44-47 Acts 11:15-17

What is Baptism with the Holy Spirit?

This is when God makes his home in our hearts by giving us his Spirit.  It is the same as regeneration.

For the faithful Jews, who were already regenerate as a result of circumcision by the Spirit, Baptism in the Spirit is an additional work of the Holy Spirit in the Hearts of Believers who accepted Christ as Lord.  It confers additional powers and benefits to all believers who accept Christ.

For the Gentiles, it is the only way that they can be regenerated.  It is when a person receives the Holy Spirit for the first time and becomes a new person in Christ.  It is essential for regeneration.  Gentiles cannot be born again without it.  It is God making his home in their heart.

Is it the same as receiving the Holy Spirit?


How is it related to being Born again?

You cannot be born again without it.  The Bible says that we must be born or water and the Spirit.

Is it the same as the Holy Spirit being poured out on us?

Yes.  It represents the personal fulfillment of God's promise to pour out his Holy Spirit given by the prophet Joel.

What does the Bible mean by 'the Holy Spirit came on them'?

It means that God became the focus of their lives which is what happens when we receive and are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Does Baptism in fire always happen at the same time as Baptism in the Spirit?

Yes.  Each time we are filled with the Holy Spirit, a little bit more of the Old man is burnt away and Christ is expressed more clearly in us.

What happens to the 'Old Man' when we are Baptized in the Holy Spirit (and fire)?

The Old man dies.  

What happens to our spirit and consciences when we are Baptized in the Holy Spirit?

It is regenerated (made alive again).  Some people say that the conscience is the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Our conscience, when it is not fully enlightened, does not always bother us when we sin.  If your conscience is bothering you, listen.  God may be trying to tell you something.  See Romans 9:1.

What does regeneration mean?

Regeneration means Born Again.  It means that we have been born of God by receiving his Spirit.  The first time that we are born, it is of the flesh.  The next time, it is of the Spirit.  We must also be born of water.  Some believe that the water refers to baptism, others believe that it is the water in your mother's womb and others believe that it is the water of the Word.

Are people usually filled with the Holy Spirit at the same time that they are Baptized with the Spirit?


What should you do to confess to the world and testify to the devil that you believe in The Lord and have chosen to follow him?

Be Baptized in water.

What does Baptism in water symbolize?

Death and Rebirth as a result of being Baptized in fire and the Holy Spirit.

Is Baptism in Water inward or outward?


What is the inward change called?

Baptism in the Holy Spirit or Regeneration.

Does the inward Baptism usually take place at the same time as the outward Baptism?

No.  Usually the outward follows the inward, but sometimes the outward happens first.

Apart from regeneration what also happens when we believe in God and want to make him Lord of our lives?

We are filled with the Holy Spirit and our lives are transformed (or sanctified).

We are justified (made righteous in God's sight, just as if we had never sinned).

We receive the promise of salvation and redemption.

What other things take place at conversion?

God seals us with his Holy Spirit, renews our mind and revives our conscience.

What are the signs of conversion? (Acts 10:44-46)

Praising God and manifesting fruit and signs.  In this example, the gift of speaking in tongues and praising God indicated that the gentiles had been converted.

Why does the Bible say that everybody who believes in Jesus has overcome the world?  (1 John 5:5)

Because the Devil, who is the prince of this world, wants to trick us and make us not believe in God.  If we are standing for God, then we have overcome the Devil and the world.

Can you enter God's Kingdom without being born again? (John 3:5)


Does Baptism with the Spirit make us part of the Body of Christ? (1 Cor 12:13)


When did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit? (Luke 24:36-49, Acts 1:1-5, Acts 2:1-47)

On the day of Pentecost, 10 days after Christ's ascension, 50 days after his resurrection.

What happened to the disciples at Pentecost? (Acts 2:4)

They were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit (ie they received the Holy Spirit).  This empowered them to do God's will and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Why didn't the disciples receive the Spirit until after Jesus's ascension? (John 7:38-39)

Because Jesus had not been Glorified.

Why did the disciples have to stay in Jerusalem until Pentecost? (Acts 1:4-5  John 16:7-8)

To receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is the same as Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

To who did Jesus give the Keys of the Kingdom? (Matt 16:15-19)


Why didn't the believers receive the Spirit in Acts 8:14-17 until the Disciples came and laid hands on them?

This was the first time that the gospel was received by Samaritans.  As Peter was given the Keys to the Kingdom, it was his role to bestow upon them the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands, thus admitting them to the Kingdom.

When did Peter get the revelation that the Gentiles could be saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit? (Acts 10:34-35)

Just before he visited Cornelius

Why didn't the believers receive the Spirit in Acts 19:1-6?

Because they hadn't heard about Jesus.  They had only heard of John's Baptism.

What do you have to believe in order to be Born again? (Act 10:34-45)

The brief message given by Peter at Cornelius' house was all that was required for them to receive the Holy Spirit.  In fact, the Holy Spirit came upon them while Peter was still speaking.  He didn't even have to lay hands on them.

Does Jesus want us to go and Baptize others? (Matt 28:18-20)


Must we lay hands on people for them to be baptized with the Holy Spirit? (Act 10:42-48 Acts 11:14-18)

Not always.


see illustration





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