The New Heaven and Earth

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The New HeavenThe New Earth


The New Jerusalem

Read Revelations chapters 21-22


Was it always God's intention to make a New Heaven and a New Earth?

How is the New Heaven and Earth similar to the Garden of Eden?

What happens to the Old Heaven and Earth?

What happens at the End of Christ's Millennial reign?

What happens to the Devil and his angels?

What happens to death?

What happens to the wicked and the unrighteous, whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life?

Who is the Bride mentioned in Revelation 21:2?

Is she related to the Women in Revelation 12:1-17?

When does the marriage of the Lamb and the Bride take place?

What are the pillars and the building stones in God's Holy City made of?

What will it be like in Heaven?

Where will God be?

What are the nations mentioned in Revelations chapter 22?


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