What is the Judgment seat of Christ?
Who gets to be judged by Christ at his second coming?
Will those who are still alive at the coming of the Lord
precede those who have fallen asleep?
Where will the believers meet with the Lord?
Does everybody get to stand before Christ?
What happens to those who are not saved?
Where and when do they get judged?
Who are the Sheep and the Goats? Matt
What happens to the Sheep?
What happens to the Goats?
Does Jesus reward the believers for the things that they have done since
they were saved into the body of Christ?
2Cor 5:10 Eph
6:8 Col 3:23-24 Rev 22:12 Ps 62:12 Prov 19:17 Matt 6:4
Matt 16:27 Matt 10:40-42
Are there degrees of reward when we go to reign with
Christ? Luke
How do you think Jesus will reward you?