The Day of the Lord

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The Day of the Lord

(The Second Coming of Christ)


Does anybody know the day or the hour that Jesus will return?

What will be the condition of the Earth when Jesus returns?

What will be happening to the Jews?

What will be happening to the believers?

How ought we to treat the Jews?

How does the Old Testament describe the Day of the Lord?

Why does the Bible say that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief?

What should we be doing to ensure that we are not found sleeping like the foolish virgins? (Matt 25:1-13)

Will it be easy to recognize Christ when he returns?

How will we know him?

How will he appear?

Who will see him?

Will anybody try to impersonate Christ in the last days?

How can we recognize them?

What will happen to our spirit, soul and body when Christ returns; if we are saved? (1Thes 5:23)

Who will judge the living and the dead?

Are we saved by faith or by works?

Will the believers be rewarded for what they have done whilst in the body?





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