The Antichrist

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The Antichrist

How will we be able to recognize the Antichrist when he comes?

Who does the Antichrist want us to worship?

Will the Antichrist let us worship God?

Will the Antichrist proclaim Jesus as Lord?

Will he acknowledge that Christ came in the flesh?

Will he uphold God's Law?

What will he do to deceive the saints?

Why will so many be deluded?

If we truly love God and believe his word, will it be easy to be deceived?

Will people impersonate Jesus or try to counterfeit salvation in the last days?

To whom does the Beast refer to?

How many months will he be given authority? (Rev 11:2  Rev 13:5)

According to Daniel 7:25, how long will the Antichrist oppress the saints?

How many Days will there be from the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished until the abomination that causes desolation is set up? (Dan 12:1-13)

How many days will the saints have to wait until they are redeemed?

How many days will there be before the Antichrist is defeated at the battle of Armageddon? (Dan 12:1-13)

Who is the man of lawlessness?

When will he be revealed?

What is the covenant that he will confirm with many?

According to Daniel, when will the rebellion occur?

What is the Abomination that causes desolation?

Who will worship the Beast?

Where will he put his mark?

What will the mark be used for?

What will he do to those who do not worship him?

What will the second beast do after the Antichrist has been fatally wounded?

Who is the Dragon?

Where does the Beast come from?

What do the ten horns and the seven heads refer to?

What animals did the Beast resemble?

What is the number of the Beast?

Who will over throw the Lawless one by the breath of his mouth when he comes at the end of the Great Tribulation?


message : Beasts & Dragons



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