The Great White Throne

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The Great White Throne

(The Day of Judgment)


What happens to those who did not take part in the first resurrection?

They are judged at the Great White Throne after the Millennial reign of Christ. 

When are these people Judged?

After the Millennial reign of Christ at the Great White Throne.

Where are these people held during the Millennium? 2Pet 2:4  2Pet 2:9

In Hades if they are dead.

What is the Great White Throne?  Rev 20:11

This is where God judges the non believers who do not have the Spirit and are not Born again.

Who stands before this throne?

All those who did not take part in the first resurrection.

This includes the wicked and the unrighteous who have not been washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Where are the dead resurrected from?

Hades and the sea.

What is Hades?

Hades is the place where the unsaved are held in torment until the day of judgment at the Great White Throne.

What is the name of the Book that records where we spend eternity?

The Lamb's Book of Life.

What happens if our names are not written in this book?

We go to hell, the lake of fire which is the second death.

How do we ensure that our names are written in this book?

By repenting of our sins, turning back to God and inviting Christ to be Lord of our lives.

What is the second death?

The second death is the destiny of all who do not accept Christ as Lord.  It is eternal separation from God.  

What is the Lake of Fire?

The Lake of Fire is the second death.

Is it the same as Hell?





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