Who's choice is it?

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Who's choice is Salvation

Do we have a choice as to whether we are saved or not? 

Yes, we do have a choice.

What if God never revealed himself to us?

We would not be able to know God and be saved.

What if God never opened our eyes and ears or gave us understanding?

We would never be able to see him and believe.

Did God choose us or did we choose God?

God chose to reveal himself to us and we chose to obey God because we love him.

Who was the first to choose?


When did God choose us?

In the Beginning.

What is foreknowledge?

God knew that mankind would fall long before he created man.

What does predestination mean?

God planned for this in advance so that mankind could fulfill the purpose for which he was created.  He sent his son Jesus to die on the Cross to pay for our sins so that we could get back on track to achieve what he predestined us to become.

What are we predestined to become?

God predestined us to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus.

How can we be saved if we never hear the Gospel?

Generally speaking, we cannot be saved if we don't hear the Gospel.

Can we reject the Gospel?


Can we obey or disobey what God has told us?


Is believing the same as being faithful?


Can we choose to love or to hate God?


If we cannot see that God is real, is that our fault?


If we know that God is real, yet still go on living as if he wasn't, is that our fault?


Who can really know God unless God reveals himself?


Thank God that he does reveal himself to us.  List some ways that God has revealed himself to  you.

The Bible, other Christians, experiences after becoming a Christian, the inner witness.

What was your response?

I believed and was baptized, I confessed and repented of my sins.


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