Women in the Church

In an age where women wish to take off their covering and be equal and accountable, men should have no fear

To follow Christ means to die to self

Leadership and Service go hand in hand

Overseers cannot pursue their Own Agenda

We cannot feed God's Sheep and look after our own interests at the same time

Leaders need to care for 'His' Flock

Jesus says "take up your cross and follow me"

If women want to take the lead then they, like men in leadership, will have to take up their cross and follow Jesus

It is time for women to start to take an interest in the spiritual needs of men

God does not call us to be selfish and self seeking

We need more women in leadership

Women who are not seeking their own good

Women who love God

Women who will take a stand

Women who are willing to take responsibility

Women who are willing to forgive

Women who will sacrifice themselves

Women who will acknowledge their sin and repent

Women who, like their male counterparts, put other's needs ahead of their own


Discrimination in the Church

The Head Covering