Circumcision by the Spirit

Circumcision is the sign of God's covenant with Abraham

Gen 17:10 Gen 17:11 Gen 17:13 Gen 17:14 Acts 7:8

Nobody can come into God's presence unless they are circumcised in heart

Lev 26:41 Jer 9:26 Ezek 44:7 Ezek 44:9 Acts 7:51

Jews can no longer be Born Again under the Old Covenant

Moses almost broke God's Covenant by not circumcising his own son

Exodus 4:21-26

God wanted the Israelites to be circumcised in heart before they could enter the promised land

Deut 10:10-22

The Israelites had to cut off the flesh to enter the promised land

Deut 30:6 Joshua 5:2-8

God put his Law in their Hearts

Deu 30:10 Deu 32:46 Josh 22:5 2Ki 10:31 2Ki 23:25 Psa 37:31 Psa 40:8
Psa 119:34 Psa 119:70 Isa 51:7 Jer 31:33 Zec 7:12 Mark 10:5 Rom 2:15

If the Israelites had remained circumcised in heart, they wouldn't have been taken into captivity hundreds of years later

Jeremiah 4:4 Jeremiah 9:25-26

Jesus and John the Baptist were both circumcised

Luke 1:59 Luke 2:21

Jesus was also Baptized in Water

Matthew 3:13-17 Mat 12:18 Mark 1:9-11 Luke 3:21-23 Luke 4:18

John 1:32-4 Acts 10:38

The Holy Spirit was poured out on the circumcised believers first 

Acts 2:1-6 

Subsequently, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the uncircumcised believers (the Gentiles)

Acts 10:45-11:18 

The Apostles accepted that the Gentiles did not need to be physically circumcised 

Acts 15:1-20

The Gentiles are effectively circumcised in heart when they are baptized into Christ

Colossians 2:11-17

The flesh refers to our sinful nature.  Death of the old man, circumcision of the heart and baptism in fire are the means by which god deals with our flesh.  This is symbolized by our burial with Christ in Baptism.

Circumcision by the Spirit and Baptism in Fire by the Spirit are very similar.

What then is the value of circumcision?

Romans 2:9-3:4  1Cor 7:18-20

Abraham is the father of all believers

Romans 3:29 - 4:18

We no longer have to sacrifice bulls and goats to pay for our sins because Jesus became the perfect sacrifice to pay for our sins once and for all

Hebrews 9:22-10:14

He rose from the grave so that we too might have eternal life in him

Romans 6:3-11  1Cor 15:45

He has put his Spirit in our hearts

John 7:39 Acts 15:8 Rom 2:29 Rom 5:5 Rom 8:27 2Cor 1:22 2Cor 3:3 Gal 4:6

The reason Jesus came was so that we might be baptized with the Holy Spirit

Mat 3:11 Mark 1:8  Luke 3:16 John 1:29-34

This New covenant is symbolized by Baptism in water

Acts 2:38

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