Finding a Church

If you are seeking God or just looking for a meaning and a purpose in this life, then the best place to look is the Bible. 

Another place you should be able to find God is in the Church.

Churches are great places to learn about God.

They are great places to meet people and make friends who will help you and lift you up and point you towards God.

They are great places to serve God and worship him.

The Church is actually composed of the people who believe in Jesus and have made him the Lord of their live.

There is nothing special about the place where we meet.

It is important to find a Church where you can grow.

You should pray carefully about which Church to go.

Not all people who profess to be Christians are really doing God's will or obeying his commands.

All churches are composed of people at different stages in their walk with Christ.

Some are seeking God.

Some are bathing in His presence.

Some are busying themselves doing His will.

Some just have the appearance of Godliness but do not walk in the ways of Christ.

The most important thing is to gain Life

The Sheep know the Shepherds Voice.

The Shepherd has the Words of Life.

Don't be deceived.

God is Holy and Righteous.

No Church is perfect, but if the Church does not want to be then RUN.

Jesus FORGIVES sin.

Not to forgive is equally bad as none of us can get through this life without sinning even though we do not want to.  The Pharisees made the mistake of thinking they were perfect and expected everybody else to be perfect.  They were proud, self righteous and unforgiving.  They had forgotten that they to were once sinners.

Find a Church that is in God's Will.

One that Loves it's enemies.

Do not be part of the hatred and selfishness that is taking over this World.

If you want to go to heaven then you must die to this world.

see The Church