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Cyrus Helps the Exiles to Return

The List of Exiles who returned

Rebuilding The Altar

Rebuilding The Temple

Opposition to The Rebuilding

Tattenai's Letter to Darius

The Decree of Darius

Completion and Dedication of The Temple

The Passover

Ezra Comes to Jerusalem

King Artaxerxes' Letter to Ezra

List of the Family Heads Returning with Ezra

The Return to Jerusalem

Ezra's Prayer about Intermarriage

The People's Confession of Sin

Those Guilty of Intermarriage




Nehemiah's Prayer

Artaxerxes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem

Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem's Walls

Builders of The Wall

Opposition to The Rebuilding

Nehemiah Helps the Poor

Further Opposition to the Rebuilding

The Completion of The Wall

The List of Exiles Who Returned

Ezra Reads The Law

The Israelites Confess Their Sins

The Agreement of the People

The New Inhabitants of Jerusalem

Priests and Levites

Dedication of The Wall of Jerusalem

Nehemiah's Final Reforms




Queen Vashti Deposed

Esther Made Queen

Mordecai Uncovers a conspiracy

Haman's Plot to destroy The Jews

Mordecai Persuades Esther to Help

Esther's Request to the King

Haman's Rage Against Mordecai

Mordecai Honored

Haman Hanged

The King's Edict on Behalf of the Jews

Triumph of the Jews

Purim Celebrated

The Greatness of Mordecai





A Call to Build the House of The Lord

The Promise of Glory of the New House

Blessings for a Defiled People

Zurubbabel the Lord's Signet Ring





A Call to Return to the Lord

The Man Among the Myrtle Trees

Four Horns and Four Craftsmen

A Man With A Measuring Line

Clean Garments for the High Priest

The Gold Lampstand And The Two Olive Trees

The Flying Scroll

The Woman in a Basket

Four Chariots

A Crown For Joshua

Justice and Mercy, Not fasting

The Lord Promises to Bless Jerusalem

Judgment on Israel's Enemies

The Coming of Zion

The Lord Will Appear

The Lord will Care for Judah

Two Shepherds

Jerusalems's Enemies to be Destroyed

Mourning For the One They Pierced

Cleansing From Sin

The Shepherd Struck, The Sheep Scattered

The Lord Comes and Reigns




Jacob Loved, Esau Hated

Blemished Sacrifices

Admonition for the Priests

Judah Unfaithful

The Day of Judgment

Robbing God

The Day of The Lord








Put a link on your site Change language or version Terminology - Overview - Summary Make a Donation Become a Christian Messages - Index Unity in Christ What happens at Conversion Bible Studies - Index About this Site Keys of the Kingdom: Doctrine Articles - Index Help with this site Contents Home Page