Captivity and Exile

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Captivity and Exile

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1 Jerusalem's Misery and Desolation

The Lord's Anger Against His People

Judah's Complaint 

The Contrast Between Zion's Past and Present

Judah's Appeal for God's Forgiveness




1      Daniel's Training In Babylon

2      Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

3      Daniel Interprets the Dream

4      The Image of Gold and the Fiery Furnace

5      Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of a Tree

6      Daniel Interprets the Dream

7      The Dream is Fulfilled

8      The Writing on the Wall

9      Daniel in The Lion's Den

10   Daniel's Dream of Four Beasts

11   The Interpretation of the Dream

12    Daniel's Vision of a Ram and a Goat

13    The Interpretation of the Vision

14    Daniel's Prayer

15    The Seventy Sevens

16    Daniel's Vision of a Man

17    The Kings of the South and the North

18    The King Who Exalts Himself

19    The End Times





The Living Creatures and the Glory of the Lord

Ezekiel's Call

 Warning to Israel

Siege of Jerusalem Symbolized

A Prophesy Against the Mountains of Israel

The End Has Come

Idolatry in the Temple

Idolaters Killed

The Glory Departs From The Temple

Judgment on Israel's Leaders

Promised Return of Israel

The Exile Symbolized

False Prophets Condemned

Idolaters Condemned

 Judgment inescapable

Jerusalem a useless Vine

An Allegory of Unfaithful Jerusalem

Two Eagles and a Vine

The Soul Who Sins Will Die

A Lament For Israel's Princes

Rebellious Israel

Judgment and Restoration

Prophesy against the South

Babylon, God's Sword of Judgment

Jerusalems's Sins

Two Adulterous Sisters

The Cooking Pot

Ezekiel's Wife Dies

A Prophesy Against Ammon

A Prophesy Against Moab

A Prophesy Against Edom

A Prophesy Against Philistia

A Prophesy against Tyre

A lament for Tyre

A Prophesy Against The King of Tyre

A Prophesy Against Sidon

A Prophesy Against Egypt

A lament for Egypt

A Cedar in Lebanon

A Lament for Pharoh

Ezekiel a Watchman

Jerusalem's Fall Explained

Shepherds and Sheep

A Prophesy Against Edom

A Prophesy to the Mountains of Israel

The Valley of Dry Bones

One Nation Under One King

A Prophesy Against Gog

The Lord Will Bring Israel out of Captivity

The New Temple Area

The East Gate to the Outer Court

The Outer Court

The North Gate

The South Gate

Gates to the Inner Court

The Rooms for Preparing Sacrifices

Rooms for the Priests

The Temple

Rooms For The Priests

The Glory Returns to The Temple

The Altar

The Prince, The Levites, The Priests

Division of The Land

Offerings and Holy Days

The River from The Temple

The Boundaries of the Land

The Division of the Land

The Gates of the City




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