The word "Trinity" does
not appear in the Bible
but the Doctrine of the
Trinity is very important as it stops us falling into error
There is only one God;
the Bible is very clear about this
There are, however,
three aspects to the God head
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
In the Bible, God is
equated with each of these figures
These figures are
distinct and different
Yet God is not three
persons, he is one
The word triune is an
adjective that means three in one
We worship a Triune God
To exclude any one of
the Three from the God head would be an error

We all can have access to the Father through Christ and by the Spirit
It is difficult to understand the nature of God
The best example of a Trinity is Man
After all, Man was made in the Image of God
As man was made in the
image of God, we could look at man himself to see what God is like
Man has a Body, a Soul
and a Spirit
The Body is analogous to
Christ - Christ was the embodiment of God on this Earth
The Soul is analogous to
the Father - The Father is the essence of who God is but he needs a body in
order to be expressed or seen and a Spirit in order to Move throughout the Earth
Although Christ has
ascended to be with the Father, he lives in the hearts of the Believers through
his Spirit
The Church is also the
body of Christ of which, Christ is the Head
The Church is now the
expression of God on the Earth
The Spirit of a Church is a manifestation of the Spirit of God
Man has three parts;
Body, Soul and Spirit
Yet man is one person
not three
So it is with God

The heart of man is an
empty place within us where the spirit lives
If you are a Born Again
through belief in the Truth
then the Spirit of God
lives in your heart
Your spirit (which is
similar to the conscience) has been Regenerated
While the Mind Emotion
and the Will are usually considered part of the Soul,
Thoughts, feelings and
decisions can be attributed to the Spirit (which is in our Heart) and the Brain
(Which is part of our Body)
The mind emotions and
will, therefore, transcend the Body, the Soul and the Spirit
The function of the mind
emotion and will are highly dependant on the integrity of each of the Body, the
Soul and the Spirit
Just as it is not
possible to separate the Body the Soul and the Spirit,
It is not possible to
separate the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
Nevertheless, they are
distinct and have unique functions
Another analogy that
people use to explain the Trinity is the three stumps in a wicket or the three
states of H2O
God, however, is a
Living Person
He created you and I and
knows our every thought
He is the maker of the
By Him, everything holds